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{:sq}Praktikat e FF Imobiliare  kane patur rezultat qe ne vitin 2004. Qellimi yne eshte ti ofrojme klienteve tane sherbime te pakrahasueshme duke tejkaluar pritshmerine tuaj. Ne punojme me pasion per te realizuar endrrat tuaja.

Ne i respektojme klientet tane dhe mirepresim cfare do lloji sugjerimi nga ju. Mos ngurroni te na kontaktoni per cdo nevoje tuajen.

    {:}{:en}FF imobiliare has been delivering results since we opened in 2004. Our goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and tremendous value for our customers. We are passionate about exceeding your expectations.

    We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Contact us to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.


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